Sunday, March 30, 2008

Counting Down

I had this thought today that was pretty surreal. If you read my blog the other day, you would know that I said the number 23 popped up a lot to me. Well, it has persisted. I keep my eyes open to all sorts of weird happenstances and anomalies, so I've noticed it for sometime now. It shows up in dollar amounts, time, paperwork, bills, on TV, etc., etc. For instance, I was watching the Kansas vs. Davidson NCAA basketball game and had to get up to do something, so I paused my DVR and when I got back, I happened to notice the score was 23 to 23 with 4:23 left on the clock. I realize I'm the one who paused it but I really had no intention at all of pausing it like that. I wasn't really even paying attention to the score, so I hadn't noticed the score was tied at 23. That's just a small example of what I'm talking about. Anyways, back to my original point. About 10 years ago, I was noticing the number 33 all around me all the time. Same kind of situations and conditions. My thought was... what if these numbers I've been noticing have been a countdown of sorts. Like in another ten years, the number 13 will be the significant portrayer... and then eventually my demise will come 13 years later. Wouldn't it be strange if life left you little signals like that to let you know how much time you have left. I know this is a little far fetched but so is the idea of a bunny leaving chocolate eggs all over the place, or a fat man breaking into your house and leaving you endowments, or a supposed miracle worker who was blessed with the power of ocular regeneration and could also turn a bottle of water into Merlot. These ideas all came from somewhere and some people actually believe some of them. What if... just what if?...


Anonymous said...

Wow. I see what you're saying, though the skeptic in me knows we can find patterns where they don't necessarily exist once we start looking for them. I could pick any number and start seeing it pop up everywhere because I'm looking for it, being more aware of it.

That out of the way, there are a couple numbers that I see everywhere, most often (in hindsight) when I'm on the right path. I use them as signposts along the way, more a confirmation than a guide.

Here's hoping the 33s and 23s are a countdown to something other than your death, eh? :)

carrotpreacher said...

True true, we do see existing patterns, but what if that is a subconscience evolutionary response to noticing the environmental factors around us...such as noticing the people around us die.

I like the idea of signposts... that's how I view the coincidences I notice.

Thanks for your sentiment on the countdown thing, but if it is a countdown to my extinction... at least I got 23 more years :)

Anonymous said...

Good point. 23 to go isn't bad. I've often wondered if I would want to know when and/or how I'm to die, if it were possible to have the information. I'm torn, as with many of those existential questions.

On one hand, it would be nice to know how much life you can squeeze into the remaining days. On the other, would I at least partially ruin those days by dreading the tick of the countdown clock? Would I be able to enjoy my life if I knew when it ended?

I'm still undecided, which is fine since no one has yet approached me with the information and therefore the conundrum. But, whether I die from old age or cancer or a drunk driver, I want to live in the moment as much as possible. The past is gone. The future never arrives. This moment is all we have.

Unknown said...

I am ticked by this conversation...perhaps I will add my two cents when I have had more coffee and can actually form coherent thoughts.

Unknown said...

haha I didn't mean to write ticked. I meant to write tickled. See!

carrotpreacher said...

It's so funny when it comes to people considering their mortality. Most are scared shitless of dying. Bust it's not so bad. I've almost died twice due to hospital malpractice but I'm still going (I'll try not to use a Energizer bunny reference here cuz we're all so keen on rabbits :P ) I don't think death is as bad as what most people think it is. Some say death is but a doorway, some say it is the end of our existence... either way, at least we will know for sure about the unanswerable questions that haunt us while we are living... like... is there a heaven?, is there a god that introduces themselves once we're dead?, why are we here?, is there sentient life elsewhere in other galaxies?, or my favorite... do we get to mess with the living once we aren't? (evil laughter...muhuhuhahahaha) lol