Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rabbit Holes

Don't you hate it when everything seems crystal clear and then all of the sudden life goes and screws with you. Such as my current situation... I've been given a choice which doesn't correlate with my plans that I've been building towards for almost a year now. Nothing drastic or dramatic mind you, just a simple switch up. 90% of my plans would stay intact with just a few changes. I don't really have much of a point to make in this post other than to teeter on the fence wondering which way I'll fall. If I choose one side everything stays the same, no big deal. But if I choose to deviate, then new doors could open up to me and new options could present themselves. Hypothetical question... Which is better, the tried and true/comfortable/easy route or the risky/ unknown/ more difficult. Both have benefits. Both have drawbacks. Change is inevitable but how often are we the primary impetus behind the major change we're talking about with simple choices. I realize I'm being vague but at this point, that's all I can be. I'm mulling over my choices with these words that I type. I've always been resistant to change but I'm starting to see the glory in rearrangement and displacement. I have tended to run back to the comfort of my rabbit hole all my life but I'm getting more inquisitive about how deep the other rabbit holes go. Curiouser and curiouser.


Sincuirge said...

The road less travelled always comes to mind when I get into this dilema (or opportunity). I think its human nature to stray from the ordinary comforts of habit just to know that they can move outside their proverbial train tracks.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, the attempts to bring vagueness to your writing, brings to your mind the greater clarity.

Sorry for not responding earlier, I have only recently (today) decided to use this as a regular blog

Anne-Marie Lafortune said...

I know this will sound strange coming from me but I find that the older I get, the more 'calculated risks' I take.

When I was younger i've oh-so-many-times opened new doors and gone for it no matter what.

Luckily I have always been safe and fortunate, learned a lot and experienced a million things and emotions I wouldn't have been able to if I had been more cautious. But now that I look back, I am incredibly thankful for all that luck because things could've been pretty bad.

Anyway. My point is that if you're young then follow your heart and go for it! If you're older, use your head and calculate the risks first. Be spontaneous but realistic :)

Thanks for stopping by my old blog btw, i know it's been over a year but I had a new one and forgot to check the previous one.

I do love Underworld and I think your music is great too! Good luck!

GoWithin said...

Men are always given what they desire. The time and circumstances for it, however, are never as they have conceived, unless it concerns the "welfare of all." Find your purpose first, then choose the path that best leads to it's completion. Increasing knowledge is always the right way if you use it for the right purpose, and all rabbit holes have something to contribute. The mind is infinately powerful, but everyone settles in on a path that is comfortable to them and limits themself. Make yourself the best tool to acomplish your purpose. Learn from bobby digital if you're a musician.