Tuesday, March 18, 2008

23 and 80's

It seems all day, I've been bombarded by the number 23 and references to 80's music. It's pretty astounding when the same themes keep repeating themselves almost like deja vu. I had to listen to the music at work today (not that it's a bad thing) and it was referred to on a show I watched, then when I got online, Yahoo had something about it on there front page and I was just asked by a friend about a song from the 80's if I liked it or not. As for the number 23, I was speaking with someone and just happened to notice 23 written on a piece of paper they were holding...nothing too out of the ordinary, but then I went and sat down, was reading the newspaper and drinking a Dr. Pepper (with its 23 flavors) and the number just seemed to be popping out in the articles. If you've never heard, The 23 enigma is pretty cool, let alone the movie (The Number 23) they did about it. Even as I finish this blog at 23 hundred hours, it just keeps rearing its pretty little self. I love it when stuff like this happens. It's as if you're constantly propelled by a force to recognize something that you may have otherwise disregarded.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

have you studied the numogram?


Sincuirge said...

Easter is on the twenty third of this month, so I'll just say Happy coincidence and have a great Easter.


I know what you mean, I wrote an article on that movie "Number 23". That is some weird stuff. Numerology is creepy!!