Tuesday, March 11, 2008

And the gem of truth, lies buried in the aftermath

I must admit, I stole that title from a line in a poem I just read (thanks Jen) but it is just so fitting, I had to use it. I can't fathom an existance where someone could allow themselves to be led blindly without even trying to reach for their own truth. People allow themselves to be coerced, like simple minded atomotons into doing things that may not be the best thing for them. The point I'm getting at is, we as a species have created so much red tape around everything that we fail to see the simpleness in so many things. Should we bring ourselves to the point of mental or physical pain before we see there is a better way. And now a few lines from a favorite song of mine..."Get up and free yourself from yourself. Locked up inside you, like the calm beneath castles, is a cavern of treasures that noone has been to. Let's go digging. Bring it out to take you back in.
You won't do what you'd like to do. Lay back and let me show you another way." My friends, there is a better way. Don't wait for the aftermath. Do it in the now, in this moment, see the truth in simplicity. Don't walk blindly anymore. See the beauty that is all around you. Don't be afraid to feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you didn't answer 2 of my questions! How old are you and do you have a screen name or a myspace or something of that nature?? And thanks for the latin. I've never had a comment that gave me homework, and I'm not entirely sure if the translation I found is correct, but it was something along the lines of I make the truth known. Very awesome. You are somethin' else.