Sunday, March 16, 2008

Follow your Heart

Hello all, I'm keeping it short, simple and to the point today. I'm not even gonna beat around the bush. Let me play devil's advocate. If your gut tells you something, do it. Regardless of the circumstances or consequences, if your heart is telling you something, then deep down you probably want it pretty bad. Perhaps it will take a little risk or maybe you have to step outside your comfort zone but God dammit, isn't the result well worth it! Isn't it worth it to get want you want every once in a while. So often we settle for something mediocre or bland, wouldn't it be nice to get a bigger piece of the pie. Don't be afraid my friends! Follow your heart, get what you want or die trying.

"To long a sacrifice makes a stone of the heart" ~ William Butler Yeats


Admin said...


Anonymous said...

YES! Far too many people hold themselves back! Fear! Doubt! Uncertainty!= toxicity!!!! Take it out of there, go after what you want, by golly. Everyone check out my similar, though very much longer post, Taking Chances". Hey, pics are a good idearrr.

Mubelteeb said...

...I completely agree, If you want something that badly then go for'll only live to regret it if you don't :)

[[Subconciously Surrendering]] said...

It is also a very good idea to keep yourself in check by thinking things through logically with your mind as well.

you can teach your mind with your heart.

i believe a happy balance is the best way to go =)

whatever decision you make, mustn't be a regret in the end no matter what. and if you really feel that strongly with your heart, then i'm sure the decision is easy in the end anyways.

nicole mindszenthy said...

yes yes yes!
we need to remind ourselves of this every single day.

simple words with so much meaning.

thank you...