Saturday, March 29, 2008

Guns and Drugs

Manipulation and control have always been a hot button issue for me. I hate how lobbyists try to control what goes on in the government and I hate the fact that they usually get their way because they have funds to buy it. Without regard for the betterment or the good of the people, they go about their business, blind to the results of their buying power. It's not that they want to see the results but just as long as their pockets get fatter...that's all that really matters. And the fact that is sadder than all that is the fact that the persons they are buying out are the legislators we vote into office. Even if the supposed public servant had a good heart and good intentions to begin their terms in office, 99.9% of the time they will eventually be bought out due their own greed, succumb to the whims of their party or eventually lose their will to fight for the common good because they get tired of turning away or fighting all the powerful lobbyists. I mean who wouldn't inevitably give in. It would be tough to be in office and not accept all the money being thrown at you. Or telling all your piers (senators, congressmen, law makers) that you want to do things your own way. Suppose you had a strong belief that a certain level of gun control would perhaps be for the good of the people. All of the sudden you got the N.R.A. and every militant right wing activist screaming the 2nd amendment at you. Now, I don't want to get all Michael Moore on you, preaching gun control as in "Bowling for Columbine" but he did have a point in saying that..."the United States has a higher number of violent crimes — especially crimes involving guns — and he charges that the occurrence of violent crimes in the U.S. is relatively higher than other developed nations."*

Don't even get me started about the pharmaceutical companies hawking their wares... endless commercials, that half the time don't even tell you what the drug is for. It cracks me up, that our nation, who has such a supposed harsh stance on drugs allows this kind of filth. This particular issue hits really close to home for me because about 5 years ago I was hospitalized for a serious medical issue and to make a long story short... while I was in the hospital, certain drugs were prescribed by my doctors that were known to have a risk of raising chances of getting cancer by 3% every single time it was administered. WTF!!! They prescribed a drug that could cause another serious health issue!!! OH MY GOD!!! How could this drug have possibly made it through the F.D.A. Well, I'll tell you how. Those big pharmaceutical companies have lots of money to help speed along the process of getting their drug accepted and then distributed. "Connections are highlighted between Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the lobbying arm of the largest drug companies in the United States, lobbying groups in Washington D.C., and the United States Congress. Hillary Clinton, who once championed the Clinton health care plan, is cited as the Senate's second-highest recipient of health care industry campaign donations."** Is it too much to ask to not allow the expediting of drug approval to happen. Could we hold off trying to find out if these supposed miracle drugs will actually work and try to find if they will cause more harm than good in the long run. Shouldn't we run each and every drug through the ringer for extended periods of time to make sure there will only be positive results, which brings me to my next point... Why do all these drugs have more side effects than they do cures. Some of them actually have the sames symptoms listed as side effects as the ones your trying to cure! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you probably shouldn't take it but somehow, someway, every single day, these drugs are being bought and used in droves. People, people, people... there is no panacea... no magic elixir that will make you all better. Save your money... and better yet, save yourself. Try exercising and eating properly and most of your issues will take care of themselves.

*reference taken from " Bowling for Columbine" link
**reference taken from "Sicko"


Anonymous said...

MY GOD I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! You should read "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. It's about all this inside stuff, tells you natural cures for things, and it completely changed my life and perspective on this country and health in general.

Stu said...

Yeah, I agree also. From afar (Australia), the US gun and pharmaceutical madness seems nothing short of surreal. Not that we're immune to such madness... it's all just an extension of craving / aversion.

PS - Thanks for the post on my blog. Will make sure I check out your music once my home internet is up and running again.

AnotherDreamer said...

Ahh... but however diet and exercise can not and will not fix everything. and our precious herbal remedies, which I love, can not fix everything either.

I agree with you on their advertising gimmicks, (like seriously, RLS? What the hell? The side effects are worse than what it's treating... besides, is RLS even real?) BUT that doesn't negate the fact that some people get the shitty end of the rope. Not everyone causes their own diabetes, genetics play a huge role in certain medical conditions.
I know we all like to say clean living will fix everything, but realistically it can not.
Or are we to return to natural order and excuse the genetically insufficient by laying claims that it's the way of the world: survival of the fittest?

carrotpreacher said...

Thanks, Jen, for the recommendation.

I agree, Stu, about the surrealness of it all. And thanks for checking out my music.

I completely agree, dreamer, that it is unfortunate that the genetically predisposed are going to get the diseases they are destined to get. But laying off the synthetic fats, refined sugars, artificial chemicals and man-made drugs would surely help a lot of those who are inflicted or soon to be. Having some of these diseases aren't necessarily a death sentence, mind you, and some of them are quite managable. And as far as natural selection goes... I'm all for it. If you are not genetically fit, then why on gods green Earth would you want to pass those genes onto your offspring. Would you really want to bring a child into this world if it was doomed to a fate of genetic hardship and disease. It's everyones right to procreate but that doesn't mean everyone should. I'm not saying someone should control human breeding... I'm just saying people should put a little thought into the decision before they decide to spawn. Would it be so awful if a couple decided to not have a child in this already overpopulated world.

kriselis said...

a thought:
is it possible that perhaps the prevalence of diseases and "genetic mutations" are not exponentially increasing, but merely being recognized with proper scientific and medical research?

that being said... i very well may be the carrier for a genetic mutation and never know. perhaps, right this very moment, my dna is being mutated without my knowing. come time for me to bear children, i end up with a child with childhood diabetes or something of the sort. now what?

...i'm not sure we can ever effectively cut down on the prevalence of disease or health complication. that being said, it may be the case that (i hope not) those pharmaceutical companies that i hate just as much as you may prove to be of some worth to me or my family.