Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hello everyone, is there anybody out there?

Hello everyone, this is my reach-out to see how many people are out there. Somewhat cliched, somewhat simple, I'm starting this up to see if I can find like minded people. I'm relatively new to blogging and I'm hoping to learn all I can. I'm basically a jack-of-all-trades and I like learning a lot about most anything. Now, a little about myself... I love most kinds of music, my favorites are Tool, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Underworld, Massive Attack, Portishead, Radiohead, A Perfect Circle, Stone Temple Pilots, U2, Depeche Mode, and even the Wu Tang Clan. I love movies including Ghostbusters, the Star Wars epics, LoTRs trilogy, Indiana Jones, the Matrix trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean and Tarantino flicks. I love sports, games and computers. I'm not religious but I am spiritual. The metaphysical, paranormal and all things supernatural intrigue me. I tend to be philosophical and I diatribe occasionally when I'm frustrated. I hate injustice, greed, intolerance and disrespect. I can't stand manipulation of any kind from anybody. Basically, if you feel the need to control people, there's something seriously wrong. "Imagine all the people living life in peace" rings in my head right at the moment. Communication people, communication!!! It's our only hope. I detest the systems of control we've all set up as a society but I'm not an anarchist. I think we can lift each other past the doldrums of complacency. I believe in an interconnectedness between us all and everything around us and I strive to understand it as thoroughly as I can.

All in all, that's me in a nutshell. I'd really like to hear from any and all who want to reply. Let me know your thoughts and opinions about your philosophies on the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and the world around us all. Specifically, fill me in on your ideas on the energy that binds us to everything and each other. Also, I've had a feeling for a long time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, that something is a bit off... or things that are, are not the way they should be. You know, that distinct feeling that something is just not quite right...the quintessential "Splinter in your Mind's Eye". It's that hole-in-the-soul feeling. Perhaps, we can figure it out through discussion.


Anonymous said...

wow. You are right on. We are extremely alike and it is so weird how we are meeting because I got out of a relationship 3 days ago, and when I find myself sitting and contemplating if there really is anybody out there who gets me, everything you are writing (and the fact that you ARE writing it down) gives me a lot of hope. I was stifled in that relationship because I felt like the most important thing, communication, was the only thing we really couldn't do. Once I realized that I need intellectual conversation, I tried to make it known to him that communication is important, but he only wants and easy, peaceful relationship where he can be in his silent shell comfortably. Although somewhere inside me I hope he can find what he's looking for, another part of me doubts it highly because he just isn't open to accepting what it takes to really be with someone. Thank goodness there are people like you out there.

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? Also, do you have AIM? My sn is symphonic729. I think it would be easier to talk to you personally, rather than comment tag, haha.

Եվա Մարտիրոսյան said...

hey, I'm out here..
thank you. there is warmth in your page. and lots of positive energy. I agree with almost everything you write, and on some themes I'd love to go deeper into. talking to you or just being in contact. thanks once more. for a bright piece of energy i got from you today.

Social Citizen said...

I am definitely here! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I hope this is the beginning of a long friendship! Ha ha ha!