Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My music

Hi all, if you love music and I know you do, you will definitely want my new recording. I like to describe it as ambient music but it has a great beat so if you turn it up, you can groove to it. I make a lot of electronically driven music as well as guitar. My newest is more electronica. If you're wondering what it sounds like... well I don't like to compare myself to other musicians because I'm too humble to compare myself to anyone you would recognize. But I assure you, the quality is top notch. In the same way as Radiohead basically let their fans choose how much they wanted to pay for their new album, I'm doing the same thing for my new song. Just hit the "make a donation" button on the right side and make a donation in the amount you want to pay and I will send you my new single mp3 via email. I'm trying to build a grassroots following, so if you like the song, tell all your friends to come visit my blog. If your not interested in music and still want to donate because you enjoy my blog, that is ok too (but I'll still send you my song). If you would rather hear it first, then donate, just leave a post that you would like to hear it and I'll send it to you via email. My music has been on an online gaming site and also on an internet radio station. I've gotten a good response so far, so definitely let me know your opinion on it. Thank you all for visiting my blog and thank you for your interest in my music.


Unknown said...

Hi Shawn great blog. I found your post on our blog thechange-smack. I am very curious what music you produce. Me and my mate are experimenting with several music flows, electronic, non-electronic and some other stuff. Our idea is to set the base and let other musicians, maybe you, fill in the gabs or make remixes of the songs we make. It would be great to get in contact with you and we might ex-change some songs.

Beth said...

Hi Shawn, Thanks for the comment on my blog. Yes it does indeed seem like our music tastes are quite similar, but I'm yet to download your music. After reading your profile and some of your posts, it also seems like much of our thinking is aligned as well (although I doubt I'll ever delve into those waters on my blog). Looking forward to your future posts. Beth :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn, thanks very much for the comment on my movie blog. It's said and it's true, I love electronic music, so it seems we have that in common. Now I'm going to download your music. Looking forward to your oncoming posts ;)(PS: I've listed you're site among my favorite blogs)
Cheers, Andreas

afpjr said...

Hey Shawn! Thanks for stopping by my blog and noticing Underworld as my fav. They are the BEST! And I see the album art from "Second Toughest..." on your blog! Nice touch! I may have to even download your track sometime soon. And talk about coincidences, it seems we share a perception of this connectedness you write of. I'll be back, that's for sure! Keep up the good work.

Last Knight said...

Peace with you as well, Shawn.

Anonymous said...

I don't have music! Never went down that road. I tried like the dickens to write songs in my youth but they were pretty lame. I think my niche might be "Inspiration Nation" haha. At least that is the turn my blog is taking these days. We shall see.

Anonymous said...
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